


1、Dear Friends,We are so honored to be your supplier.In order to establishing our first cooperation, we will offer a 5% off on this order.Discounts already made, what you need to do is just pay for it directly.Thank you and best regards。

2、Dear friends,Thank you for your order.But it seems that the order had not still pay it.If there is anything I can help you, such as price, size, color etc.Please feel free to contact me. In terms of payment is confirmed after,We will deal with the order and shipment public as soon as possible. Thank you!

3、Dear,I give you a discount about this order,hope you will like it.And as soon as you make a payment.I will send it ASAP.Please don't worry.If you have any problem about this product or others.I am pleasure to help you to solve with that。



Hello,this's Richer from Aliexpress,are you free to talk about the dispute?

I see you bought a jacket in our store,and open the dispute,you measured the bust and say it's wrong in the website.I think maybe the tailor gave us the wrong size information.

could you cancel the dispute?I want to know if you can wear it or not,if you can't wear it,is there any body could wear it,like your colleagues, friends or brothers.if you can sell to them,I will give you some discounts about the jacket,and you can buy again.what do you think?could you accept it?



Hello,this's Richer from Aliexpress,are you free to talk about the dispute?

you open the dispute because the package is still on the road,I think you also know we actually sent it out by express,just the speed of express is very slow this period,I got other customer' message the same as your situation,we could extend time for you until you get the package,and let's together follow the tracking number,if I have any new information,i'll let you know at the first time.



Hello,this's Richer from Aliexpress,are you free to talk about the dispute?

you open the dispute because you can't check any information of the tracking number.I checked it this morning and see it has already arrived in Orenbury,the customs clearance is completed,i think you can get it soon.

could you cancel the dispute?because the time of dispute is only 3 days,it really has a bad affection to our store,we'll appreciate it and grateful for you.





发布者:小吴, 小吴,转转请注明出处:https://seowki.com/news/294095.html

上一篇 2024-04-03 10:53
下一篇 2024-04-03 10:57


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